Weekly Live Shows

Posted by Cindy Hogan on 4/7/2021 to Classes
In case you have missed it this past year, I have been doing a weekly Facebook Live show on Tuesday's @ 3:30 Central.  It is called Software Shut-In Fun.  This can be viewed on Facebook or YouTube.  If you have a question about software, be sure to ask it on my page.  I collect these to answer on Tuesday's.
To be notified of when I go live, be sure to Like and Follow my Facebook Page or YouTube Channel.  Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Create Something Fun!



Deborah Lindel
Date: 5/18/2021
Hi Cindy, I have a new 10 needle PR1055x and I would like to use the 14 x 14 embroidery hoop by Durky. I can't figure out how to split a large design in PE 11. Have you done this on another YouTube tutorial or can I ask you how this can be done? Thank you, Lee Lindel
Cindy Hogan
Date: 8/5/2021
Deborah, I am so very sorry, the blog comments have been sending trash to me for quite a while and your comment got caught up there. It is a very simple process. In PE-DESIGN 11, just select the Jumbo frame in the Design Settings (where you select hoops). Place the design in the hoop and then save the design. It will automatically split the design for you.

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