Free Designs

Enjoy the designs.  Please do not sell or pass on the designs.  You are free to use them yourself for any items you make.  If someone else would like them, please direct them to this site.

If you would like to contribute a design, please contact us.

Click on the picture or file name to download.

Free Decorative Fill and Heart Motif from January 30, 2024 Brothersews Live.  This will be available until Feb 14, 2024 as a free download. NOTE: These are NOT pes files, they are plf and pmf files to be used in My Design Center and PE-DSIGN 11.  After that it will be pulled down.  It may find its way into another collection.

Free Heart PES Design Files in 4, 6, 8 &10 inch sizes from January 30, 2024 Brothersews Live for those of you who don't have a Luminaire or PE-DESIGN 11.  This will be available until Feb 14, 2024 as a free download.  After that it will be pulled down

Quilt Block Challenge Files - This is a zip file with 2, 4, 6 and 8 inch blocks included with cut files and printable pdf instructions/templates.

USA Offset from Brother Sews Facebook Live 06/15/2021 - for this one, right mouse click and choose Save Image as and then save as stabilizer wrap to your USB Flash drive.

Stabilizer Wrap Artwork from Brother Facebook Live 1/19/2021 - for this one, right mouse click and choose Save Image as and then save as stabilizer wrap to your USB Flash drive.

Snap Bracelet Link on Amazon:  Note:  I do get a little money off the link, it doesn't cost you any extra.  They didn't have the exact set that I ordered anymore, but these are basically the same thing.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

PE-DESIGN NEXT Spiral Lettering Path - To go with July 2014 tip of the month
BES Lettering Spiral Text Path - To go with July 2014 tip of the month
Designs for Scan N Cut Reader these designs go with the instructions on the Brother Scan N Cut website.  The main portion of the design was digitized for Brother and they provided it to me to share with you.  The background and e reader construction files were created by me.  Have fun!
Birdhouse Design Egg Design

A new addition is this Merry Christmas file. It is a design created in BES Lettering. Both a .pes file and .brf file (BES Lettering file type) are included in the zip folder. Enjoy!
The design below is a zip file. The file will be used in a BES Lettering lesson in my new workbook. Look for the workbook soon. In the meantime, enjoy the spiral design!
This is a design using Vector processing in PE-DESIGN Next. It will work great on a scarf.
WMF files for download
Holiday Free Designs 2013
Another design for you to play with. This one can be used easily with the Scan N Cut to create a free standing applique design. Just print out a template at actual size in Realistic view without any alignment markings and scan it into the Scan N Cut.

Here is the Little Black Dress Change purse from the It's Sew Easy Show

There are two parts in a zip folder clicking on either thumbnail will download both parts.  The project directions should be on the It's Sew Easy show file section.  If not, you may download them here as well.

Change Purse Directions



Lips SVG for Lettering's Sew Easy for BES4 workbook for zip file, click here


When you click on the image or text link a new page will open, right mouse click on it in the next window and choose Save As.  Save as an SVG file.

PE-DESIGN 10 Surprise Thread Chart

PE-DESIGN 10 Where Edit and Arrange Moved

Alpha Mapping font for BES4 workbook